Committee BOD 2024

Friso Remeeus
BSc Econometrics & Data Science

Lara Ersoy
BSc Econometrics & Data Science

Gijs Heij
BSc Economics & Business Economics
Acquisition, Treasurer

Valérie Hoogvorst
BSc Econometrics & Operations Research

Nicole van Leeuwen
BSc Econometrics & Data Science

Laura Wilde
BSc Econometrics & Data Science

Tess Ruger
BSc Economics & Business Economics

Daan van Dijk
BSc Econometrics & Data Science
Coordinator Board – VSAE

Sanae Khanfous
MSc Business Administration
Coordinator Board – FSA

Associations | VSAE & FSA
Both student associations are the largest of their kind and leading in their field. The FSA represent (financial) students from both the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije University of Amsterdam, while the VSAE is the study association for econometric and actuarial science students at the University of Amsterdam.
The VSAE is the study association for all students of Actuarial Sciences and Econometrics at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
With more than 1700 members, the VSAE has blossomed into a professional association with many study-related activities and projects. Through the great diversity of majors within the quantitative economic department at the UvA, the VSAE is the most diverse study association for Actuarial Sciences, Econometrics and Business Analytics and offers the widest range of projects. The association is also active in publishing articles, organising conferences, career events, study trips, personal development possibilities and tutoring.
On the website of the VSAE you can find additional information on the five pillars that make up our association: Study, Career, Analytics Academy, Social and Mental Health. Take a look here:

The FSA wants you to meet your future employer. We support students in making the step from university to the labor market. The FSA informs students about job opportunities via various online channels, but primarily and more importantly we facilitate face to face contact between students and employers. The FSA hosts a total of 20 events for its students. We focus our services on students with an affinity for finance, business, accountancy, consultancy or economics.
In order to make this interaction as valuable as possible for the two parties involved, we cater mainly to students who are finalizing their Bachelor or enrolled in a Master’s program. Through their FSA membership, students are able to participate in our projects and stay informed about the career opportunities that our corporate partners have to offer. Additionally, members can further their engagement and gain more experience by joining a committee or pursuing a board function.
For more information and a complete project overview, please visit our website: